Four Habits of Highly Effective Real Estate Agents

There are lots of ways to be a effective agent. But here are four habits of highly effective real estate agents.

Four Habits of Highly Effective Real Estate Agents
Photo by krakenimages / Unsplash

How do you define success for yourself as an agent? There are countless ways to look at oneself professionally in order to critically decide if we are, in fact, successful. Regardless of how you see your own success, there is a vast amount of research that states that those that who are the most successful or have the capability of being successful exhibit some specific personality traits. According to University of Minnesota scientists Sackett and Walmsley, it seems that conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability top the list of personality traits that can insure success in any career. Funnily enough, we can see how these three traits are hugely applicable within our industry and are essential for success. So, what if you don’t naturally have these personality traits? Or, if you do, what should you be doing to cultivate them further?

In an industry that feels like it’s constantly changing and yet staying the same all at once. It is important for agents to develop habits and routine practices they can count on for success. Here are just a few practices and consistent habits from us at NuOp to help you become highly effective and successful.

Some Tips

  1. Develop a “Growth Mindset”: As an agent and as an individual, it is important to see yourself as a person that will always be growing and changing. Personal, internal growth begets professional growth. Accepting the premise that you will always be in a state of betterment and improvement will put you in a mental place that allows you to develop or better develop those three key traits for success (conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability).
  2. Set a Specific Schedule That’s Aligned to Your Goals: So many agents wish for success, but do they plan for it? If you have a specific schedule that allows for you to block and properly use your time, you will have a consistent habit to develop your success. Your schedule must be aligned to the things you want to actually accomplish. For example, do you want more referrals? Set aside time to use tools like NuOp which posts high quality referrals everyday. Do you want stronger connections with clients? Create a specific time period for personal emails, calls, and texts, and so on. Your schedule should be reflective of where you want to grow and go as an agent.
  3. Exhibit Grit: The famous “Grit” study by Angela Duckworth adapted the definition of “grit” to mean the “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” This doesn’t mean blindly following a sinking ship or a failing practice. But it does mean to keep moving in difficult situations and continue adapting to achieve long-term goals. Not every sale or client will pan out. You may lose an escrow or a client, or even both. You have to learn to compartmentalize and move on while keeping your ultimate goal in mind.
  4. Increase and Enhance Your Online Presence: Whether it is on Facebook, Instagram, or even Snapchat, you should be finding ways to increase your online presence and gain exposure in a customer-facing way. Additionally, in a professional-facing capacity, you should harness the power of the internet through apps like NuOp. Overall, building your online presence is a key part of staying relevant and visible. Social media may be a bit rough, but its not worth skipping. The same goes with building a relationship with your local community.

While there are some examples, there are many more. But with these in mind you should have a better grasp on how to be a more efficient real estate agent.

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