NuOp Monthly Roundup February 2019

NuOp Monthly Roundup February 2019
Photo by AbsolutVision / Unsplash

What’s new with NuOp? We’re happy to report that a lot is going on!

We continue to grow our member base organically

We owe everything to our early adopters who have shared with us their thoughts and ideas, as well as their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with certain elements of the platform. We came up with NuOp to change the way referrals are handled. We set out to create a referral network of real estate professionals, offering a tool that allows you to send and receive referrals, a tool that with a push of a few buttons creates a legally binding referral agreement exchanged between members and is stored on the blockchain, and most importantly, NuOp does not take a cut of the commission exchanged. We listen to and value your input and have lots of great additions on the horizon that we’re sure you’ll love: video tutorials and testimonials, a suggestion box, a help section, frequently asked questions, a more robust profile page, and much more!

Finally, we spoke last month about the progressive web app that’s under construction. It’s almost ready! Our development team is hyper-focused on its completion. They are doing a tremendous job and we remain beyond excited for users to be able to operate on tablets and desktops in addition to finally welcoming our Android users to the NuOp network.

NuOp Reminders


  • First Come First Serve: Select a group of people for the referral and see who picks it up. Whoever claim this type first, gets it! This helps show who really wants it and who doesn't.
  • Open Referral: Don't want to worry about who gets the referral? Throw it out for anyone to select. The quickest and simplest referral method.
  • Direct Referral: If you don't want to leave it to change and you know who you need. Pick this method. You are able to send referrals directly to select members.

It’s supper easy and can be completed in three steps: 1. Submit 2. Vet 3. Select

  • Post in Community: A perfect place to share your ideas, collaborate, and cooperate. Remember, we’re giving away cash prizes for the month of March to the author and collaborator of the month. Get involved, win some cash, buy the NuOp team something nice 🙂
  • Make Connections with other members: Don’t be shy! Make connections with other professionals on a social media network that is exclusive to the Real Estate industry.


This month we had the pleasure of introducing you to Laura Marie of Saint Petersburg, Florida. We’ve been waiting, and extremely excited, to speak with Laura. She loves helping people. One cannot help but feel that as she exudes this charisma and excitement. Laura is honest and authentic in her approach to helping serve her clients and isn’t afraid of difficult situations. Take a moment to read about Laura Marie in this months Agent Spotlight.