Generate business referrals from work you’re already doing.

Generate business referrals from work you’re already doing.

Are you an Entrepreneur, Salesperson or Service Professional of some kind?  Do your clients and/or business colleagues frequently ask you who you would recommend for services they need?

Do the receiving parties of your recommendations know it was you who recommended them?  Furthermore, how much business do you get in return from all of the recommendations you give out?

NuOp was created to help business professionals get a return on the referrals and recommendations they give out.  NuOp is an easy to use system that tracks, notifies, and nurtures the people you exchange business with.  

Most people don’t track the referrals and recommendations they give out.  If they do, most times they use a spreadsheet which only serves as a place to look back on what you did.  NuOp is a dynamic system that takes this valuable information and proactively uses it to gently remind those you have given valuable recommendations and referrals to; therefore increasing business referrals & recommendations in return.

Additionally, NuOp is a budding marketplace for consumers to hire service professionals directly.  While you are tracking the business you give out you are building a great reputation in the network; thereby increasing your visibility to consumers who are seeking services that you offer.

So, using NuOp is like a 2 for 1 deal.  Just by using NuOp you are increasing your potential for more B2B referrals while also attracting more direct to consumer leads.  

ps.  Did we mention that there are no “middleman fees”.  Simply put, NuOp does not charge fees to connect you with a service professional. Many other networks charge hefty connection fees when a consumer inquires for a service and requires you to pay before you even speak with the prospect.