8 Key Actions - Take Advantage

8 Key Actions - Take Advantage
NuOp has 8 key actions you can take to attract referrals for your business

NuOp is a budding marketplace for consumers to hire service professionals directly.  While you are tracking referrals and recommendations that you give out to other service pros you are building a great reputation in the network; thereby increasing your visibility to consumers who are seeking services that you offer.

Here are 8 key actions that you can take to increase the amount of referrals that you receive from your B2B contacts.

1) Opportunities - Create and receiver referrals, jobs & intros.

2) Recommendations - You can recommend and be recommended to open ops created by other members.

3) General Posts - Ask the NuOp community who they would recommend for a particular service that you or a client are seeking.

4) Invites - Having your personal contacts as part of the system makes it easy to exchange business.  

5) Endorsements - When you endorse someone else, they are encouraged to endorse you back.  You can only endorse each member once, so make them memorable!  

6) Gratitude's - Simply say thank you to people who have done something nice for you.  Create as many "grats" as you would like.

7) Connect - NuOp suggests other members for you to connect with so that you can start building new relationships right away.

8) Favs - When you select another member as one of your favorites they are encouraged to select you as their favorite.  

Here are have some resources to get you started quickly:

1) Click here to view a page we have set up to communicate all live training sessions that we are hosting.  From this point forward we will run an hour long training session once per week.  These sessions are always full of great information and we have some fun too. I hope you can find time to join us.

2)  Click here to view our Quick Start Guide.  This knowledge base article is continually updated as we release new features.  So, keep it in mind to check in on every now and then.

Most service professionals don’t track the referrals and recommendations they give out.  If they do, most times they use a spreadsheet which only serves as a place to look back on what they did.  

NuOp is a dynamic system that takes this valuable information and proactively uses it to gently remind those you have given recommendations and referrals to; therefore increasing business referrals & recommendations in return.

Take advantage of the 8 key actions NuOp provides to you.  If used consistently you will increase revenue to your business.